Researching Mackay history

Research requests
Mackay Historical Society may be able to help with research requests from community members.
Submit a research request via:
Email ​​​mackayhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Write to PO Box 1349, Mackay, 4740
Facebook Mackay Historical Society - Home | Facebook, Once on the page, send us a message
Online at www.mackayhistoricalsociety.com/contact
Alternatively visit us at the ​Mackay Museum.
When submitting a research request please send as much information as you can to allow the researchers to answer your request. Information may be located in our archives or may need to be accessed off site in other local archives. The information you are looking for may be published in documents, local history books, newspaper articles or supplements, parish and subdivision maps or a photograph* from the Mackay Regional Council Museum Collection, the Mackay Historical Society archives or in one of the own members’ personal archives.
*Note the use and supply of photographs may be subject to copyright clearance by Mackay Regional Council.
Your information request should, if possible, should include the name of business, event, organisation or person you are inquiring about.
The Mackay Historical Society’s archives may have biographies or obituaries on who you are looking for. Our members, some of whom have been researching local history for many years, may also have additional information in their personal records. We are always up for a challenge so please feel free to contact us.
What time period or year did this happen?
This can be a crucial piece of information. If possible please include a date, month and year. This will make it easier to find what you are looking for and may mean a faster response time.
When do you need the information by?
Please specify a time frame. We are a small group and may not be able to answer a request immediately but will try to accommodate your deadline if possible. While digitised copies of Mackay newspapers until 31 December 1954 are online at Trove information in printed papers after this date must be manually researched. This will add time to your request.
Will I be charged for a research request?
No, however a donation is always welcome as a thank you. This can be made at the Mackay Museum, 4 Casey Avenue, South Mackay. For donations from outside of Mackay please contact us for banking details.

Archives and library
Items in the Mackay Regional Council Museum Collection include original documents, parish and subdivision maps, photographs and objects. The Mackay Historical Society archives hold local history books, newspaper articles and supplements. We also have a limited number of biographies and obituaries of well-known locals. Part of our work has also included researching and writing several local history books. Please visit us at Mackay Museum and a friendly volunteer will help with your research request.